Thank you to our 50k monthly users!

Great news – you’re here using CiteAb and you’re in really good company. A lot of it! The CiteAb user base has grown and grown, and we are now helping over 50,000 users like you to find quality antibodies every month.

Dr Chalmers started CiteAb initially to help his own research team find quality antibodies.

In addition, we have now got over a million citations listed in the CiteAb system, meaning that a huge number of researchers around the world are able to make informed decisions about the antibodies they buy.

Dr Chalmers, founder of CiteAb, said: “We are on course to have over 2 million page views on CiteAb this year, double that of twelve months ago.

“When we created CiteAb the motivation was my own research team and the problems they were having in finding antibodies that would work in their experiments. We felt that if there was an easy way to search for research papers that mentioned the antibodies we were looking to use, we could determine whether they’d worked for other people, and in the long run we could save a lot of time and money.

“We created CiteAb, and found that research groups around the world found it just as valuable as my own. We are thrilled to have grown so much in just a few years, and are now the go-to place for any researcher looking for information on antibodies.”

Scientists from across the globe are now using CiteAb, from every major life science research institution. Our team has a number of exciting plans in the pipeline to enhance the experience these scientists have when using CiteAb – so do subscribe to our blog below to keep up to date.

And today we ask all of you who use CiteAb to get in touch with us – let us know if there are improvements you’d like to see or features we might not have considered yet. We are always looking to make CiteAb work better for you, so please do get in touch by commenting below!

– Matt and the CiteAb team

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