Have you entered the CiteAb Antibody Awards yet?
You have just one month left to help your company flag up its achievements to the rest of the sector and to CiteAb’s readership around the world by entering the CiteAb Antibody Awards 2016!
This year we have four categories open to nominations, and in some self-nomination is allowed, and in fact encouraged. The remaining six categories will be awarded based on the analysis CiteAb antibody data for the last 12 months.
To enter, all you have to do is pick from the four nomination categories one in which you believe your company will stand out. The categories honour excellence, and the awards offer companies a seal of approval for their most outstanding work.
Researcher’s choice: for the antibody supplier the researchers who use Citeab say they have been most impressed by over the past 12 months. Nominate now!
Most exciting antibody validation initiative: this award is open for suppliers to self-nominate or for third-party nomination, and recognises the best initiatives in antibody validation. Nominate now!
Life Time Achievement Award: this award will recognise and promote individuals who have made a an exceptional contribution to the research antibody industry over a sustained period of time. Nominate now!
Custom antibody or alternative affinity reagent supplier: for the supplier of custom antibodies or alternative affinity reagents offer excellent service and fill a niche in the market. Self nomination and third party nomination are encouraged. Nominate now!
Don’t forget – entries close on Friday 22 January at midnight GMT.