Revealed: The top 100 cited antibodies of 2016

New data from CiteAb reveals that just nine companies supply the top 100 antibodies cited over the whole of 2016.

In addition, one single company is responsible for the supply of 38 of these antibodies.

Dr Andrew Chalmers, founder of CiteAb, said: “This data comes from a set that shows trends in citation rates for over 20,000 of the most cited antibodies, over the last seven years.

“Its surprising that of the top 100, the ‘power’ antibodies of 2016, we’re seeing so many come from a small number of companies.

“We particularly congratulate Cell Signaling Technology, responsible for supplying over a third of the top 100 antibodies.”

Also seen to be doing well in today’s dataset is the newly merged MilliporeSigma, supplying 21 of the top 100 antibodies, while SantaCruz, Abcam and Invitrogen also all feature highly.

Dr Chalmers adds: “In addition to the big five, we see four other companies successfully make it into the top 100 cited antibodies for 2016. Two we might not have predicted seeing in this list are Dako and the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank. And interestingly, the other two in the top 100 are secondary antibody specialists – Jackson ImmunoResearch and LI-COR.”

Today we are feeling generous, so we’re giving away the details of all 100 top cited antibodies of 2016 for free if you sign up below. If you’d like to see the full dataset of over 20,000 antibodies then please contact us and we’ll be able to discuss packages with you.

– Matt and the CiteAb team

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