Who are the top suppliers in the Lipid market?

As we recently posted, we’re now looking at life science sector data beyond the use of antibodies, and today we’re going to highlight the top suppliers in the Lipid products market.

This is our first look at the lipid product market, and we will be highlighting some companies today that we have not spoken about before through our blog.

To produce this insight we have collected over 6700 citations for lipid use from academic research papers, covering lipids from over twenty different suppliers.

Millipore Sigma are steaming ahead in the global lipid products market.

Rhys Williams, data scientist at CiteAb, said: “Today we are reporting on what 2016 citation data tells us, in order to give a good representation of the current lipid market, but from the full lipid dataset it is possible to breakdown information to show the growth and loss trajectories of each company, geographic market shares and more.”

Topping the charts for global lipid supply we see MilliporeSigma, currently dominating with a massive 70 per cent share. The company has a portfolio of over 1700 lipid products, which it aims to grow as research in the field of lipidomics advances.

The second largest supplier of lipid products globally is Avanti Polar Lipids, founded by Walter A. Shaw fifty years ago in 1967. Shaw is widely recognised as one of the leading authorities on lipid synthesis, manufacturing, research and analysis. Avanti Polar Lipids hold a 17 per cent share in the global market, with a portfolio of over 2000 unique lipid products.

Rhys comments: “The lipid market is dominated by a small number of suppliers, with the top three (so 14 per cent of all lipid supplier) holding over 90 per cent of all global lipid citations. This is not dissimilar to the pattern we see in the antibody market, where 90 per cent of antibody citations are supplied by 15 per cent of antibody suppliers.

“All of the top ten most cited products in the lipid market in 2016 (and, in fact, overall) are provided by MilliporeSigma, and it will be interesting to see whether the company can maintain its significant share of total citations, or even grow it as research in this field advances.”

Today we’re giving away the names and percentage market shares of the top five lipid suppliers for free, you just need to sign up below to get the data sent to your email. If you’d like to discuss the broader lipid dataset with us, please contact Rhys and he’d be happy to help you.

– Rebecca and the CiteAb team

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