Antibodies for IHC: Market Snapshot

Today we are releasing new data which outlines key players in the IHC (Immunohistrochemistry) antibody market, and those suppliers who could significantly grow their business in this area.

As you’ll be aware, here at CiteAb we produce antibody market datasets based on the analysis of hundreds of thousands of antibody citations to generate revenue, ensuring we’re able to keep our main listing free and impartial.

This data provides a quantitative, unique and independent view of the antibody market. Today’s data, focused on the use of antibodies for IHC as reported in scientific literature, shows clear winners and losers among suppliers.

Unsurprisingly, we see some of the largest companies lead the way in this market, with Abcam at the forefront closely followed by Santacruz and Millipore.

ihc_imgWe also see Dako doing very well. This Danish company specialises in IHC and almost two thirds of all its antibody citations are for use in the technique. Dako’s IHC supplies are not limited to antibodies, with a wide range of other products also available – from counter stains and mounting media to proteolytic enzymes and chromogenic substrates.

Dr Andrew Chalmers, founder of CiteAb, said: “From our most recent data we can see that Dako is really succeeding in the IHC antibody market – I’m sure you could put this down to the fact that the company is supplying most of the equipment a researcher needs for the technique. It could be, therefore, a natural decision to purchase antibodies from the same source. Dako is certainly making the most of its advantage in this area, as its citations show.”

At the other end of the spectrum we can see a number of companies that are particularly low for citations for antibodies used in IHC. Texas-based company Bethyl is one of those with very few IHC citations – just 2% of their total citations for antibody use.

So for a company like Bethyl, what are the growth opportunities? Well our data shows which the most important protein targets are in order to succeed in this market, with the three most cited being the epitope tag GFP, the proliferation marker Ki67 and the cell death protein caspase 3.

It also shows which institutions are carrying out IHC most often, and while unsurprisingly some of the largest universities – Harvard, Cambridge and California San Francisco – are the lead users of IHC products, there are also a number of smaller institutions that feature near the top of our list.

Dr Chalmers adds: “With this latest dataset we can drill down to the details, so we’re able to not only look at institutions carrying out IHC, but at individual research groups too. For example we can see that Lars Edvinsson’s laboratory at Lund University in Sweden is responsible for a decent percentage of IHC antibody citations.”

If you’re interested in receiving a free sample covering the top ten protein targets or  the full list along with data for institution and research group use of antibodies, do send us an email and we’ll be able to discuss options with you.

And if you’re a researcher using IHC, do comment below and tell us where you like to source your products and why. Alternatively you can join in the conversation at any time on Twitter using @CiteAb, or on Facebook.

David and the CiteAb team

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