We’ve enhanced our Enhanced Profiles!

While we keep our search results advertisement free to maintain their unbiased nature, we recognised some time ago that suppliers wanted the ability to promote particular products or offers through CiteAb, so introduced ‘enhanced profiles’.

Our enhanced profiles give suppliers the opportunity to personalise their product pages on CiteAb. This doesn’t allow products to feature any higher in search results – our results are based on citation numbers only – but it does mean that when a researcher clicks through to read more about a particular product a supplier can give additional details.

To date, suppliers have used this feature to add their logos to product pages, to add contact details, a ‘request a quote’ button to allow enquiries to be sent directly to an in-house sales team, and to advertise samples or offers.

Product manager Rebecca says: “Our enhanced profiles have always worked really well so we haven’t felt the need to change anything, however when we introduced biochemicals to the website we realised that suppliers of both antibodies and biochemicals would like to provide adverts that were specific to reagent type. This wasn’t possible with our original enhanced profiles so we’ve changed our offering to address this.

“This also applies with our ELISA kits and protein searches, as well as any other reagent types we may expand into in the future. This addition to enhanced profiles will mean that a single supplier could have three or four different advertisements for each of their product types, making it easier for marketing teams to target messaging.”

If you are currently an enhanced profile customer and would like to add additional details to your product pages please contact us to do so.

If you don’t currently have an enhanced profile but would be interested in discussing options with Rebecca, please contact her and she will run you through the possibilities.

– Rhys and the CiteAb team

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