Key ELISA kit targets that should be in every catalogue

Our ELISA kit market data is produced from ten of thousands of research citations from thousands of products, and provides an unrivaled view of which ELISA kits are most often used by researchers. Back in May 2019 we used this data to compare the target species used for ELISA kits with those for antibodies – giving a unique view of the catalogue antibodies and ELISA kits which are most frequently used by researchers.

One of the most exciting ways we’ve seen companies use our datasets has been to assess market demand and use this to benchmark their catalogues. They can prioritise the production and validation of new products in response to a really strong understanding of the market, developed from looking at quantitative data.

So today I’m going to look specifically at the product’s target information in our dataset, so that we can highlight some of the most popular which should be included in any catalogue.

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) from Mus musculus and Homo sapiens.
Both of these proteins rank within the top five targets for the last few years. IL-6 is a versatile cytokine, often described as a pro-inflammatory molecule. It is attributed with a number of anti-inflammatory activities.

More recently, IL-6 signalling has been reported to be a potential mechanism of anti-tumour therapy targeting cancer growth, metastatic spread, and metabolic deterioration in patients [1]. It is also of interest in therapeutic strategies for acute systemic and chronic inflammatory diseases [2].

As an important therapeutic target for treating diseases and some cancers, I believe it is highly likely that we will see IL-6 remain in the top five targets for the near future.

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) from Mus musculus
This is another top five cited target. Originally described as a factor that can cause tumor necrosis, TNF was later shown to significantly contribute to the inflammatory response [3]. Interestingly, TNF plays a role in both the development of various types of cancers as well as in inducing cancer cell death [4]. TNF is a complicated and therefore popular target in research due to the potential therapeutic use of anti-TNF treatments for immune disorders and cancer related inflammation.

All three of these proteins are examples of targets that our data tells me should be mainstays in any ELISA kit catalogue. Are they currently in yours?

Today we’re giving away the top ten ELISA kit targets from the last few years for free – just sign up below to get the data sent to your email.

If you are interested in learning about the other key ELISA kit targets or how our ELISA kit data can be used to identify future key targets, then please get in touch with me and we can have a chat.

– Rhys Williams

[1] Lacina L, Brábek J, Král V, Kodet O, Smetana K Jr. Interleukin-6: a molecule with complex biological impact in cancer. Histol Histopathol. 2019;34(2):125–136. doi:10.14670/HH-18-033
[2] Tanaka T, Narazaki M, Kishimoto T. Interleukin (IL-6) Immunotherapy. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2018;10(8):a028456. Published 2018 Aug 1. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a028456
[3] Chu WM. Tumor necrosis factor. Cancer Lett. 2013;328(2):222–225. doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2012.10.014
[4] Wang X, Lin Y. Tumor necrosis factor and cancer, buddies or foes?. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2008;29(11):1275–1288. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7254.2008.00889.x

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