We’ve just got back from Pivotal Links 2019…
CiteAb product manager Alicia Cooper has just returned from Pivotal Links 2019, an annual networking event run by Pivotal Scientific dedicated specifically to those working with life science reagents.
We caught up with Alicia, who told us a bit about her presentation at the event.
“This event, which takes place over two days, is a great platform for conversations with others working with reagents – thanks to all of the Pivotal team for organising it!
“I was given the opportunity to deliver a talk at this years’ event regarding our citation provision services and how we are able to cover multiple reagent types including antibodies, biochemicals, kits & assays and proteins.
“Past citations are one of the most important trust markers scientists look for when making purchasing decisions, and are a fantastic resource to drive sales. They also provide a valuable information source that can be used by suppliers and customers to understand how products are being used.
“During the talk I was able to outline CiteAb’s unique citation collection approach using our proprietary text mining technology, combined with extensive human reviewing and annotation to ensure our data is of the absolute highest quality.
“I outlined that we’re able to offer a range of bespoke services, from product citations and annotated citations to quality checking of existing citations. I also discussed the range of formats we’re able to present data in, including a live widget, to excel files, APIs and hosted database delivery.
“Finally I gave attendees a preview of a new service we’ll be launching in autumn 2019 – our image data. We’ll be able to provide experimental images showing how products have been used within a publication, all cropped to the specific panel of interest and detailing SKU of the exact antibody shown, as well as the application and reactant.”
For anyone who missed seeing Alicia at Pivotal Links this week but would like to discuss our citation data in more detail, please do contact her to arrange a meeting.
– Rebecca and the CiteAb team