Making the most of being at SfN 2019
We recently blogged about our concern for the environment and the measures that we’re taking as a company to change our procedures and reduce our impact. One of these is to fly less frequently and to make the most of the times we do by carrying out meetings with companies that would otherwise take us on numerous trips around the world.
Well, we’re fast approaching a time to put this intention into practice as we’ll be at the Society for Neuroscience’s 49th annual meeting later this month so we’re starting to book in catch ups we can have with others from across the sector while we’re in Chicago.
CiteAb product manager Rhys Williams says: “This will be the fifth SfN meeting CiteAb has been to, and we keep returning because it’s such a great opportunity both to learn about new and exciting developments in neuroscience and to meet with so many of the companies we work with in one place.
“Last year’s event was also really useful for me personally. It was one of the first times since starting my job at CiteAb that I was able to meet many of the people I usually only have the opportunity to talk to by email. Putting a face to a name is really helpful and I also got to meet and learn about a number of companies I had not come across before.
“As we now collect and provide data on a number of new reagent types – from ELISA kits to biochemicals and instruments, the number of companies we work with is fast growing so I’m looking forward to meeting many new contacts in Chicago this year.
“If you’re planning to be at the conference this year then do give me a shout as Andrew and I are looking forward to catching up with everyone.”
Are you going to be at SfN 2019? If so, drop Rhys an email on to arrange a catch-up.
– Katrina and the CiteAb team