Which are 2019’s most used Kits & Assays?

Today we’re looking at our updated Kits and Assays data, and will be carrying out an analysis of the most used kit types in 2019, highlighting the best performing suppliers. 

We have been working hard in recent years to build and improve our Kits and Assays search engine and market data, and have collected data for over 500,000 products. Initially this data focused on ELISA kits, but we now have nearly fifty different kit and assay types. 

Earlier this year we highlighted the top 100 proteins, and the top 100 biochemicals of 2019 – and today we’re going to reveal the top 100 Kits and Assays. 

Over 5000 products, with over 20 different kit types, were cited during 2019 and have formed part of today’s analysis. 

It is notable that over half of the cited products in 2019 came from Nucleic acid synthesis, with PCR, ELISA, Detection/Staining, and Cell proliferation & viability kit types featuring significantly in the top 100.

In the top 100 we see ten suppliers featured, with Thermo Fisher Scientific claiming over half of the citations, and supply seven of the top ten Kits and Assays in our dataset. The company’s Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay Kit (Cat. number: 23225) claims the title of most cited kit of 2019. 

Also featured highly in this dataset are MilliporeSigma and R&D Systems – along with Thermo Fisher Scientific these three companies claim over three quarters of the total top 100. 

However, we still see a number of other suppliers raise their heads – Abcam, Cell Signaling Technology, Roche, Promega, Enzo Life Sciences, Dako (of Agilent) and Vector Laboratories each have products that feature in the top 100 for Kits and Assays.

This dataset also allows us to drill into the details of what is happening in specific kit markets. For example, when we look at the data for ELISA kits we can see that R&D Systems supplies four of the top five ELISA kits, with the company’s Mouse TNF-alpha Quantikine ELISA Kit (Cat. number: MTA00B) taking the spot of most cited ELISA kit of 2019. 

Today we are giving away the complete list of the 100 cited Kits and Assays of 2019 for free if you sign up below. If you are interested in learning more about our full Kits and Assays dataset, which contains citation data for thousands of Kits and Assays, then please drop me an email.

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