Are you going to Neuroscience 2015?

Here at CiteAb we’re really looking forward to the 2015 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, the world’s largest meeting on the brain.

Andrew, our founder, is attending the event on October 17-21 in Chicago after all of you, our readers, told us how great it was last year.

Andrew said: “I’m really looking forward to Nueroscience and am keen to meet up with lots of the people we’ve worked with through CiteAb while I’m there. If you’re attending and would like to catch up for a coffee please do give me a shout beforehand.”

We have also noticed this week that Proteintech have announced a partnership with Cell Press to offer two $1,000 travel grant awards for travel to the meeting. The travel award is open to any neuroscientist planning to attend the SfN 2015 meeting; however, all entrants must be based at a university or research institution.neuroscience

To apply for the award, applicants need to submit a summary of current research or a copy of their abstract being presented at SfN through the official contest website . A selection panel composed of editors from Neuron and Cell will make the award selection based on originality, intrigue and impact to the neuroscience community.

The deadline to enter is August 31, 2015, and the winners will be announced on the Neuron website as well as in Proteintech’s e-newsletter on September 16, 2015.

Andrew added: “Its great to see antibody suppliers and journals working together to make it easier for researchers to attend these big international conferences. Proteintech and Cell are offering a fantastic opportunity here and we’re keen to help them spread the word!”

The annual Society for Neuroscience meeting brings together more than 30,000 neuroscience researchers, clinicians, and advocates from around the world to share the latest developments in brain research and to hear from leaders in the field.

The annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience will feature more than 15,000 presentations on brain function, health, and disease, covering topics such as traumatic brain injury, addiction, technology, and ageing, among others.

To apply for the Proteintech travel grant award for Neuroscience 2015, or for more information including official rules and terms & conditions, please visit:

If you want to contact Andy and meet up while you’re at Neuroscience, drop him an email and he’ll be pleased to hear from you.

– Katrina and the CiteAb team

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