National Taiwan University top for Taiwanese research antibody use

We have released a new dataset today which highlights the institutions that carry out the most research using antibodies.

The National Taiwan University, or NTU, has centres focused on medicine, veterinary and life sciences, all of which will contribute to its claim to 11.81% of Taiwan’s research antibody use over the past five years. China Medical University follows NTU, claiming 8.49% of total use.

Andrew, founder of CiteAb, said: “The National Taiwan University is a large organisation with facilities spread across the country. It is clearly a hotbed for a variety of research disciplines which use antibodies. The China Medical University carries out research in medicine, life sciences and pharmacology, so is again an institution of interest for antibody suppliers.”

If you’re interested in obtaining a free sample dataset covering the global top twenty research institutions, simply drop Matt an email ( Likewise, companies who’re interested in institutions outside of the top twenty, in specific countries, or in drilling down into details about their market share at each individual institution, should also speak to Matt about obtaining our full institution dataset.

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