What were the top 100 bioactive products of 2022?
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In this blog:
- We reveal the most cited bioactive products from 2022
- Discover which reagent suppliers feature in the top 100 list
- Download the biochemicals market data
Welcome to the third blog in our ‘top 100’ product series!
Today we delve into our biochemicals database, extracting insight from our bioactive market data.
This is the first time we have shared a blog drilling down into the top 100 bioactive biochemical products.
Last year’s analysis instead had a broader focus, covering the top 100 biochemicals to reflect the growing range of products we’ve curated in our biochemicals database. We’re excited to share with you the new insights we’ve gathered from this more focused top 100 dataset.
Remember to check out our previous two blogs covering the top 100 antibodies and the top 100 cell lines and download the data.
What life science market data is this analysis based on?
Our biochemicals database is made up of over 1.8m research biochemicals and ~1m citations from over 200 biochemicals suppliers. This market data encompasses many types of products, including: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Peptides, amino acids, as well as cocktails of inhibitors and much more.
For the purpose of this blog, we looked at citation data covering bioactive products from 2022, which covers over 206k citations. We classify this group of products as biochemicals that are activators or inhibitors.
If you’re interested in understanding how your company is performing in the bioactive market, finding who the leading reagent companies are in the space and uncovering which bioactive biochemicals are most popular to help inform your product pipeline decisions, read on to see what we uncovered:
Leading bioactive companies
We found that nine reagent suppliers featured in the top 100 bioactive dataset. We were interested to compare this to the biochemicals market in its entirety from our 2022 analysis, where only six suppliers made the top 100 list. This may indicate the bioactive market is a more varied and competitive space within the wider biochemicals market.

Our data revealed that MilliporeSigma has a strong hold on this market, with 64 bioactive products in the top 100 list. Selleck Chemicals claimed a significant 14 products, followed by Tocris Bioscience as the third most featured supplier.
If we drill down into the top 10 bioactive products of last year, we found MiliporeSigma dominates. MilliporeSigma claimed 8 of the top 10, with BioLegend and Selleck Chemicals also with one reagent apiece.
Thermo Fisher Scientific held a large proportion of the top 100 biochemicals when we analysed our biochemicals data in 2022. However, in this analysis we found that Thermo Fisher’s range of biochemicals lay outside of these groupings, meaning they take one spot in the top 100 with an antibiotic.
Bioactive suppliers growing in the Chinese and US markets
MedChemExpress featured in the top 100 as the 4th most cited supplier. We noticed a positive growth trajectory for the company in previous analysis on our blog into the bioactive small molecule market, which we speculated was due to their growth particularly in China and the US.
Their inclusion high up the top 100 list, with 3 products included, goes to demonstrate their continuing growth. We found that in the Chinese market MedChemExpress have overtaken Selleck Chemicals and are closing in on MilliporeSigma; they are now the second most cited supplier in China for bioactive products in 2022.
When we took a look at other dominant suppliers in the top 5, Selleck Chemicals and Tocris, we found that they were instead stronger in the US market, coming in as the second and third most cited bioactive suppliers respectively. We found that Cayman Chemicals also performed very strongly in the US compared to the Chinese market, having grown their share over the past five years to become the fourth most cited supplier here.
Bioactive suppliers to watch
Outside of the top four, several reagent suppliers of note held products in the top 100 bioactive list.
We found that BioLegend claimed two spots, with their Brefeldin A Solution (1,000X) featuring in the top 10 with over 270 citations. Along with BioLegend, Cayman Chemicals also held two products in the top 100.
We were interested to find the inclusion of Cytoskeleton in the top 100 bioactives list with a Rho Activator II product in the 73rd spot. They did not previously feature in our analysis of the bioactive small molecule market, or the top 100 biochemicals. Cytoskeleton have been in the life science space since 1993, offering ‘a wide range of kits and products for drug screening, signal transduction and cytoskeletal research’. We will be interested to see if any of their kits or proteins appear in future top 100 product lists.
Further reagent suppliers with one product in this dataset were Abcam and Invitrogen Antibodies. These life science companies were strong leaders in our top 100 research antibodies of 2022 analysis, showing they are significant players in multiple markets.
What were the most cited bioactive products in 2022?
Taking the top spot this year as the most cited bioactive product by researchers was MilliporeSigma’s Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, a protein kinase C activator. In our biochemicals search engine this product has over 2,600 citations. Interestingly, three protein kinase C inhibitors/activators featured in the top 10 products.
MilliporeSigma’s Cisplatin, a chemotherapy drug, takes second spot. The third most cited product was Brefeldin A, an antiviral. Both of these products have nearly 1000 citations in our biochemicals search tool.
Future outlook
As an important reagent type within the biochemicals space, we will be interested to see how the bioactive market develops over the next few years, and whether suppliers featured and products we’ve noticed here grow their citation share.
We will be looking out to see whether MedChemExpress continue their current growth trajectory, and if suppliers such as Abcam, Invitrogen Antibodies and Cytoskeleton are able to grow their citations for other bioactive products and add more reagents to the list.
Download the bioactive data
Simply enter your email below to receive the top 100 bioactive dataset straight to your inbox.
Do get in touch with the team to discuss our complete datasets further. As well as the complete biochemicals data subscription we also offer market insights packages and custom datasets on areas of interest within the biochemicals market.
If there’s a particular type of biochemical, such as inhibitors or carbohydrates, you want to see us cover on our blog, do let us know! We are always looking to share insight that provides the most value.
- Rebecca and the CiteAb team
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