What were the top 100 growth factors (2020-2022)?


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In this blog:

  • Download data on the top 100 growth factors from 2020-2022
  • Discover which reagent suppliers are leading in this dataset
  • Find out which growth factor products are most cited by researchers

Which growth factors are researchers citing the most in their work? 

For this blog, we are narrowing down our focus to look at the top 100 growth factors within the protein reagent market. You can take a look at our latest update on the top 100 growth factors and cytokines in 2023 here.

Key findings from analysis of top 100 growth factor data

Remember to check out the other top 100 product blogs we’ve shared over the past month.

What life science market data is this analysis based on?

Our research protein database covers information on nearly 800k products, with over 270k citations. Types of proteins covered include: growth factors, enzymes, hormones, serums, toxins and more. 

Today we are focusing on growth factors within the protein dataset, including classic growth factors such as EGF, TGF and FGF, as well as cytokines such as interleukins and TNF. We have collected over 28k citations for these important signalling proteins, from around 1200 institutions across 72 countries. The growth factor market data covers reagents from 125 suppliers

As this is the first time we have shared analysis on the growth factor market, we broadened our dataset to include the top 100 growth factor products from the last three years (2020-2022). 

So, here’s what we found:

Top 100 growth factor analysis blog roundup

Leading protein suppliers with highly cited growth factors

This top most cited 100 dataset featured a broad range of reagent suppliers, with 15 suppliers in total making the list with well cited products. 

Vying for the top spot were R&D Systems and MilliporeSigma, with 32 and 27 products featuring respectively. 

In comparison, our previous analysis covering the top 100 proteins showed that MilliporeSigma led in this broader market with the most highly cited products in the list. Despite not taking the top spot in this growth factor dataset, we did notice that MilliporeSigma have been increasing their market share for growth factor products consistently between 2020-2022.

Joining these reagent companies at the top of the list were Sino Biological and Abcam with 10 products apiece. We have commented previously on the considerable growth of Sino Biological in the protein market, in part due to their strength in the COVID-19 research area in recent years. You can read more about this trend on our blog where we specifically looked at the immunology research area and found Sino Biological had grown their share here quite considerably. 

Rounding off the top five suppliers was Thermo Scientific with 7 growth factors. Sino Biological, Abcam and Thermo Scientific also entered the top 100 protein dataset for the first time last year. Their presence in the top five here goes to further showcase their growth in the protein market.

Pie chart to show the leading protein suppliers in the top 100 growth factor dataset
Pie chart to show the leading protein suppliers in the top 100 growth factor dataset

When we drilled down into the top 10 products in the dataset, we found a number of different suppliers and no dominant leader. Suppliers featured included many of those leading overall in the top 100: R&D Systems, Thermo Scientific, MilliporeSigma and Peprotech.

Growth factor suppliers to watch

Other reagent suppliers appearing in the top 100 growth factor dataset included: Cloud-Clone Corp, MedChemExpress and PeproTech.

PeproTech supplied two growth factors in the top 100 list. Now part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, the company has a particular focus on proteins. We found that the two products they had in the dataset were high up in the rankings, at number 2 and 25. In fact, PeproTech won the ‘Growth Factor Supplier of the Year’ Award in the CiteAb Awards for having the most citations for growth factor products in 2021, which also includes products outside the top 100 most cited reagents. The company could certainly be one to watch in this space.

We noticed that MedChemExpress appeared with two angiopoietin proteins in 71st and 72nd position. In our recent report on the top 100 bioactive products of 2022, we found that MedChemExpress have been seeing significant growth in the Chinese bioactive market, and commanded a strong position in the space. We will be watching to see if they achieve similar growth in the protein market in coming years and improve their standing in this dataset. 

Seven further suppliers held one product in the top 100, showing this market to be broad and competitive when compared to our top 100 analyses of other reagent markets. (Nine suppliers in total featured in the top 100 bioactive products list, and 12 antibody vendors had products in the top 100 research antibody dataset). We will be interested to see if any of the protein suppliers in the top 100 growth factor list expand the number of products included in coming years. 

Which growth factors were the most highly cited?

Interestingly, we found that the most cited three products in the top 100 growth factor dataset were all versions of Wnt-3a. Wnt-3a is a secreted signalling protein, involved in many important processes such as embryonic development and promoting self-renewal of certain stem cells.

The top cited product was produced in humans and supplied by R&D Systems. This growth factor held a significant 17.53% share in the dataset, demonstrating its popularity as a research reagent in published work. 

In number two was a mouse version of Wnt-3a from PeproTech, followed by another mouse version of the growth factor from R&D. 

Coming in as the fourth most cited product was a Wnt-5a protein, another member of the wnt family of growth factors.

Two epidermal growth factors supplied by Thermo Scientific and MilliporeSigma also featured in the top ten. In tenth position was R&D’s angiopoietin, an endothelial growth factor.

We also noticed that three products in the top ten were complexed with Alexa Fluor dyes. In fact, just over a tenth of the proteins in the top 100 were tagged. We also found that nearly a third of the top cited growth factors were carrier-free.

Download the protein data

Gain even more insight into the research protein market and help inform your product pipeline development by downloading the data below. This dataset covers the top 100 growth factors 2020-2022. 

Are you interested in other areas of the protein market? Do get in touch if there’s a particular reagent type you want to learn more about on our blog!

  • Rebecca and the CiteAb team

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