Why choose the CiteAb Citation Widget?


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In this blog:

  • We give an overview of our redeveloped citation plug-in tool
  • We explore the three areas that differentiate the CiteAb widget: citation quality, annotations and images
  • Get in touch with the team to find out more!

The CiteAb citation widget is an automated plug-in tool, displaying product citations and published images for your products direct to your webpages.

Updated in real-time, these citations, annotations and images can convincingly demonstrate to researchers your product is right for their purposes, helping to drive sales.

We have a customisable model with three tiers of the widget available, depending on the level of detail required.

But with different citation providers out there, what makes the CiteAb citation widget different? 

A comparison of the CiteAb citation widget with other providers

What differentiates the CiteAb widget?

Citation accuracy

Ensuring that researchers see the correct citations for products on your pages is essential to build trust in your products and brand, and prevent the loss of customers.

Displaying inaccurate citations on your webpages can even lead to you inadvertently promoting your competitor’s products by showing citations for their reagents rather than your own.

Accuracy rates for citations displayed on our search engine and widget are >99%, compared to 70% of some other providers (uncovered in an analysis comparing top cited antibodies*).

On top of this, our data aren’t inflated with product mentions, so every citation relates to a unique paper. This saves researchers time if they are evaluating papers from your pages, leaving a better impression of your site.

Product specific experimental information

The product annotations that we provide on our widget are based on the specific product use case and relevant experimental details.

Some alternative widget providers give annotations for the entire paper, which may not be relevant to the product. On our widget, if we are giving annotations for applications we show the application that the specific antibody has been used in, not just applications mentioned in the paper.

This is key for researchers to assess if the product is right for their experiment, and avoids misleading data. Other annotations we provide include reactant, dilution and more. 

Having such informative annotations can increase web page engagement and time spent on your page.

High quality, cropped images

All of our published images are cropped to the panel of interest, as opposed to entire figures being shown. This means that researchers can see visual evidence for product use, in the area that is relevant to them. 

This helps to enhance your customers’ experience of your site, and provide more compelling and specific visual evidence of how your product has been used, which can help to drive sales.

Get in touch!

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch with the citations team to discuss our citation service further. And if you’d like to try out the widget, installation is quick and simple!

You can try it out on your development site without any obligation.

We’ve loved seeing companies take on the redeveloped widget and use it on their sites so far. We have six suppliers already signed up, with the most recent going live on GeneTex’s site.

We’re excited to keep seeing it go live and helping many more suppliers out there best showcase their products.

  • Jemina and the CiteAb team

* Based on the analysis of the first ten citations for six different antibody products (each with over 100 citations) from a variety of companies, compared to two leading alternative providers. Analysis carried out in February 2023.

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