Chinese and US Growth Factor Market Trends & Leading Companies
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In this blog:
- Which vendors are leading in the growth factor market?
- What company share trends are we seeing in China and the US?
- Download data on the top 10 growth factor companies in these markets
Today we take a closer look at the Chinese and US markets for growth factor research reagents, taking in more classical growth factor reagents like EGF and FGF as well as cytokines like interleukins and TNF.
We demonstrate how growth in China appears to be positively impacting vendors’ global growth factor market share, and uncover potentially untapped opportunities in the US for certain suppliers. Plus, we find out which companies dominate the growth factor space overall.
So, which market should you be paying attention to and how is your company performing?
The growth factor research reagent market size, key trends and leading companies
Our growth factor dataset includes 18.3k citations, and over 779k products from 261 companies, showing the market to be a varied and competitive space.
Leading the pack are PeproTech (part of Thermo Fisher Scientific). They claim an impressive share approaching 50% of the market, demonstrating that their products have been heavily supporting researchers in their published work.
R&D Systems (part of Bio-Techne) and MilliporeSigma rank in second and third position by citation share. Together with Thermo Scientific, the fourth ranked supplier in this market, these top four suppliers have remained the same for the past five years with a real strong hold in the growth factor space.
Now that we’ve covered the global market leaders, let’s delve a little deeper into research use of growth factors in the US and China to further understand these two pivotal markets and the suppliers succeeding there.
Growth factor country trends: China vs the US
The US Growth Factor Market
When we analysed our data for citation share specifically in the US, we found that the top three suppliers mirror the leading suppliers in the global market.
PeproTech claims the most citations here. In fact, their citation share in the US growth factor market is growing very impressively.
Peprotech growth factor citation share in the US 2018-2022
R&D also features strongly in the US market, coming in at second position, with a mostly stable share over the years between 39-36%.
MilliporeSigma, the third most cited supplier overall, are seeing a slight decrease in citation share, but are still holding a very significant share of the market in the US.
In contrast, a supplier seeing strong growth more recently in the US market is Abcam, who ranked as the 6th most cited supplier between 2018-2022, and 5th globally.
Interestingly, bigger players in China such as Novoprotein and MedChemExpress, haven’t been able to claim a significant share in the US market to date. Despite this, they are still growing their presence in the global market. The US could represent an area of opportunity for further growth for these companies.
To expand our analysis, we then looked into the top cited growth factor products in the US and China to identify whether areas of opportunity are product portfolio related, or related to sales and marketing efforts.
Our data showed that there is a level overlap in the top cited reagents between the two markets, with 6 of the top 10 products in the US also featuring in the top 10 in China, and 13 of the top 20. This suggests that both product pipelines and sales efforts could be influential on growth.
If you’re interested in delving deeper into what our country-specific data can reveal about areas of opportunity in the growth factor market, we have introduced a Market Insights pack for growth factors, which includes quarterly data deliveries covering Country data, as well as Top Products, Companies and Research Areas.

The Chinese Growth Factor Market
If we cast our eye now to trends in China, we see a slightly different picture painted. Interestingly, the leading three suppliers PeproTech, R&D Systems and MilliporeSigma (the top 3 US suppliers) are all seeing decreasing share here more recently.
In contrast, Abcam have managed to grow their share in China between 2021 and 2022, as well as growing in the US space.
The 4th most cited supplier in China in 2022, Sino Biological, are also growing their presence, claiming a substantial citation share of 5.77%. This strong share in China could explain their rising rank in the global market, where they claimed 6th position in 2022.
Sino Biological growth factor citation share in China 2018-2022
Chinese suppliers Novoprotein and MedChemExpress have also risen impressively in the Chinese market from 2018, now holding 6th and 7th positions with a citation share of 4.10% and 2.98% respectively.
These two companies have also grown consistently in the overall market where they ranked 8th and 10th in 2022.
Given their relatively small share in the US market, their strength in China seems to be a key contributing factor to their overall success.
We will be interested to see if this trend continues, and if they turn their sights to the US market and crack this area as well. We will also be watching to see if US suppliers are able to turn their trajectories around in China, and start capitalising on the research use in this important market.
Download the growth factor reagent data
You can download data on citation share for the top ten suppliers in the US and China by citation share, between 2018-2022 by simply signing up below.
If you’re interested in taking your analysis further, please do get in touch with the team!
We collect our data with a unique combination of extensive human reviewing and AI-driven text mining tech, giving a reliable and representative view of market share and key trends.
We hope you enjoy digging into the growth factor data!
- Rebecca and the CiteAb team
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