Which were the top 100 kits and assays of 2020?


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In this blog:

  • Find out which the top kits and assays were of 2020
  • Which suppliers are doing best in this market
  • And claim your free data

Today we are sharing the fourth in our Top 100 series of posts which take a look back at our data for the previous year and provide insights into the products, companies and research leading in each reagent category. 

Today we’re focused on the top 100 kits and assays of 2020, having covered the top 100 biochemicals, top 100 antibodies, top 100 proteins and top 100 lipids in the last few weeks.

In our analysis we look at which suppliers have the best performing kits and assays, at new suppliers in the top 100, and at any new products in the top 10 since last year’s report. You can now also read our analysis of the 2022 market in our latest top 100 kits blog.

Rhys Williams, product manager, said: “Over the last few years, we have been working hard building and improving our kits and assays search engine and market data. During this time we have collected over 700,000 products and over 150,000 citations. This data began focussed on ELISA kits but now covers over fifty different kit & assay types, and growing, so our analysis today has some changes since our last one a year ago which reflect both the growth of our data and fluctuations in the market.” 

The top 100 kits and assays list is comprised of products from 22 different kit types, with over half of the products coming from a number of nucleic acid related kit types, cell proliferation and viability, and detection/staining. 

We see more diversity of suppliers of our top 100 products this year, with 16 companies featured, whereas previously we had ten. 

We see changes in the top three ranking – MilliporeSigma is still ranked highly, moving from second into third place this year, but R&D Systems have moved down the ranking, and Promega has risen to second most cited supplier. 

Between them, the top three suppliers in our ranking this year are responsible for over two thirds of the top 100 cited kits and assays of 2020. 

The remaining suppliers of products in this list include some of the life science industry’s big hitters and well known suppliers including Abcam, Cell Signaling Technology, R&D Systems, Dako (of Agilent), Vector Laboratories, New England Biolabs, Lonza.

However, the top supplier remains as Thermo Fisher Scientific, with the company providing over 40 of the top 100 cited kits and assays in our 2020 table. The majority of the company’s products in our top 100 come from its nucleic acid related kits and cell proliferation and viability portfolios. 

Thermo Fisher Scientific also claims four of the top ten positions for its products. Its Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay Kit (Cat#: 23225), which was the most cited kit of 2019 remains the company’s top cited kit however it has been overtaken by Qiagen’s RNeasy Mini Kit (Cat#: 74104) as the top cited kit of 2020. Qiagen’s RNeasy Mini Kit is their only kit that has made it into the top 100 list. 

The remaining 5 spots in the top 10 are shared by Promega, Takara Bio, Vector Laboratories, and BD Bioscience. 

Rhys adds: “When we take a closer look at this data we can see that six ELISA kits have made it into the top 100 – the best performing of which is the Ultra Sensitive Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (Cat# 90080) from Crystal Chem. Following this, R&D Systems supplies four and Thermo Fisher Scientific supplies one of the top six ELISA kits. At CiteAb, we have recently begun collecting published images for ELISA kits.

Today we are giving away the complete list of the 100 cited kits and assays of 2020 for free if you sign up below. If you are interested in learning more about our full kits dataset, which contains citation data for thousands of kits and assays, then please contact us

– Katrina and the CiteAb team

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